Addressing Envelopes Worksheet - English Functional Skills Entry Level - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Addressing Envelopes Worksheet – English Functional Skills Entry Level


This is a worksheet on how to address envelopes.

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Resource type


Age range

Age 14-16, Age 9-13


This is a worksheet on how to address envelopes.

You may also be interested in:

Addressing Envelopes – PowerPoint Lesson and Worksheets

The resource contains:

A fully editable 18-slide PowerPoint presentation that clearly explains and demonstrates how to address an envelope.

A set of exercises to help students set out addresses correctly on envelope templates.

This resource is ideal for younger students and SEN Entry Level 1 students. The ability to set out and write addresses is a skill needed for most English Entry Level Qualifications and accreditation.

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