Autism Awareness - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Autism Awareness


This resource contains an autism awareness activity pack. It is an ideal resource for Autism Awareness Day / Week. The pack contains six activities.
Sensory Sensitivity / Overload
This activity begins with watching a short clip about sensory overload. There are two tasks that follow designed for pup

Additional information

Resource type

Unit of work

Age range

Age 14-16, Age 9-13


This resource contains an autism awareness activity pack. It is an ideal resource for Autism Awareness Day / Week. The pack contains six activities.

Sensory Sensitivity / Overload

This activity begins with watching a short clip about sensory overload. There are two tasks that follow designed for pupils to experience sensory overload when attempting to complete tasks; one is more challenging than the other.

Autism Discussion Cards

These contain 4 statements about autism designed to provoke discussion and to get the pupils to think about and develop their awareness of autism. They are not true or false statements and there are no right or wrong answers.

Communication Difficulties Exercise

This is a task designed to simulate the difficulties that many people with autism encounter when trying to communicate. Pupils take part in an activity in which they have to think very carefully about the words they use and what they are saying.

What is autism? How Can I Help?

Pupils watch a video about autism in which a young man explains 5 things he thinks people need to know about autism and 5 things people can do to help people with autism. Pupils are asked to discuss the five things that the person felt people needed to know about autism and five ways that people can help. Pupils then complete a worksheet.

Autism Acrostic

Pupils complete an acrostic piece of writing using the word autism as a stimulus. Two acrostic autism posters are included to give the pupils some ideas. An autism acrostic template is also included.

You may also be interested in:

Autism Awareness Presentation

This is a fully editable and interactive presentation on autism and Autism Awareness Day / Week.

It includes sections on

Social Communication Difficulties
Social Interaction Difficulties
Rigid Thought Processes
Sensory Issues
Repetitions and Rituals
Gifts and Talents
Famous people With Autism / Asperger’s

There are hyperlinks to videos and clips about:

Sensory overload
Schools’ Awareness Week
A young person and his autism

Autism Awareness – Set of 22 Posters

Save money and buy all three resources in a bundle at a discounted rate:

Autism Awareness Bundle

This resource contains an autism awareness activity pack. It is an ideal resource for Autism Awareness Day / Week. The pack contains six activities:

Sensory sensitivity / overload simulation activity
Autism discussion cards
Communication difficulties simulation activity
What is autism? How Can I Help? – Video link and follow up worksheet
Autism acrostic task

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