Back to School Ice-Breaker - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Back to School Ice-Breaker


This resource has been designed to be a back to school ice-breaker. The activity involves pupils finding someone in their group who meets the ‘find someone who…’ statement. It can be used as a getting to know others and an ice-breaker activity.
Statements include:
Find someone who …
does not like ch

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Resource type


Age range

Age 14-16, Age 9-13

SKU: 12557654 Categories: ,


This resource has been designed to be a back to school ice-breaker. The activity involves pupils finding someone in their group who meets the ‘find someone who…’ statement. It can be used as a getting to know others and an ice-breaker activity.

Statements include:

Find someone who …

does not like chocolate
has green eyes
has met someone famous
likes spiders
owns a BMX bike
has broken a leg
has a birthday in May
plays the piano
can do the floss
supports Liverpool FC

The task is for them to speak one by one to everyone in the group until they find someone who meets the ‘find someone who…’ statement. They write the person’s name on their sheet. They then find another pupil for the second question. Pupils should speak to everyone in the group and aim to find a different person for every ‘find someone who…’ statement.

The resource contains three ‘find someone who…’ statement sheets (with 25 statements on each sheet) and an eighty slide PowerPoint that can be used to introduce and explain the activity and the questions used. It can also be used at the end of the fact finding exercise to report back their findings. Instructions and suggestions for use are included.

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