Easter in France, Greece, Italy and Spain - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Easter in France, Greece, Italy and Spain


This resource contains four fully editable and informative PowerPoint presentations on Easter celebrations, customs, and traditions in France (Pâques/Semaine Sainte), Greece (Pascha/Megáli Evdomáda), Italy (Pascha/Settimana Santa), and Spain (Pasqua/Semana Santa).
Easter in France Presentation

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Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This resource contains four fully editable and informative PowerPoint presentations on Easter celebrations, customs, and traditions in France (Pâques/Semaine Sainte), Greece (Pascha/Megáli Evdomáda), Italy (Pascha/Settimana Santa), and Spain (Pasqua/Semana Santa).

Easter in France Presentation

This resource contains a fully editable and informative 48-slide PowerPoint presentation on Easter celebrations, customs, and traditions in France (Pâques/Semaine Sainte).

The PowerPoint focuses on:

Palm Sunday (Le Dimanche des Rameaux)
Good Friday (Vendredi Saint)
The Procession de la Sanch
Flying Bells (Cloche Volant)
Easter vigil on Easter Sunday (Dimanche de Pâques)
Easter egg hunts (chasse aux œufs)
Easter Monday (el Lunes de Pascua)
Traditional Easter foods
April 1st (Poisson d’avril)

The presentation also includes hyperlinks to:

The Procession de la Sanch
Chocolate egg making
April 1st (Poisson d’avril)
Spanish customs and traditions at Easter

Easter in Greece Presentation

This is a 34-slide PowerPoint presentation on Easter celebrations, customs, and traditions in Greece ( Pascha / Megáli Evdomáda).

The PowerPoint focuses on:

Holy Thursday
Good Friday – The Epitaphios
Holy Saturday
Easter Sunday
Traditional Easter food
The PowerPoint includes hyperlinks to:

The Epitaphios procession in Kaminia, Hydra on Good Friday
Easter celebrations in Corfu
Greek customs and traditions at Easter

Easter in Italy Presentation

This is a fully editable and informative 40-slide PowerPoint presentation on Easter celebrations, customs, and traditions in Italy ( Pascha/Settimana Santa).

The PowerPoint includes references to:

Palm Sunday (la Domenica delle Palme)
Holy Thursday (il Giovedì Santo)
Good Friday (il Venerdì Santo)
Easter Sunday (la Domenica di Pasqua)
Traditional Easter food
Italian Easter eggs

The presentation contains hyperlinks to:

The Good Friday procession in Italy in Chieti (Secchi’s “Miserere”)
The Italian chocolate egg tradition
The Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday processions in Badolato

Easter in Spain Presentation

This resource is a 50-slide PowerPoint presentation on Easter celebrations, customs, and traditions in Spain. The PowerPoint focuses on:

Religious brotherhoods (nazarenos)
Semana Santa processions
Domingo de Ramos, or Palm Sunday
Holy Thursday (Jueves Santo)
Good Friday (El Viernes Santo)
Easter Sunday (el Domingo de Resurrección)
Easter Monday (el Lunes de Pascua)
Traditional Easter foods

The presentation also includes hyperlinks to:

The ‘Dance of Death’ (dansa de la mort) in Verges, Gerona
Palm Sunday celebrations in Seville
A saeta during a Semana Santa procession
Spanish customs and traditions at Easter

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