Guy Fawkes - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Guy Fawkes


This resource contains a fully editable, simple text, 45-slide PowerPoint on Guy Fawkes and his role in the Gunpowder Plot and how this has resulted in Bonfire Night.
The presentation focuses on:
Guy Fawkes’ religious background
The intolerance of James I towards Roman Catholics
The Plot
The anonymo

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Resource type


Age range

Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This resource contains a fully editable, simple text, 45-slide PowerPoint on Guy Fawkes and his role in the Gunpowder Plot and how this has resulted in Bonfire Night.

The presentation focuses on:

Guy Fawkes’ religious background
The intolerance of James I towards Roman Catholics
The Plot
The anonymous letter
Guy Fawkes arrest, trial and execution

The PowerPoint ends with questions for discussion and contains hyperlinks to two videos about Guy Fawkes and Gunpowder Plot.

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Bonfire Night Quiz

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