Homophones : Year 5 and 6 - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Homophones : Year 5 and 6


This resource contains an editable, 100 slide PowerPoint lesson and a set of 15 worksheets on the National Curriculum Year 5 and 6 homophones / near homophones and confusing words list -licence, license, practice, practise, prophecy, prophesy, father, farther, guessed, guest, heard, herd, lead, led,

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Resource type


Age range

Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This resource contains an editable, 100 slide PowerPoint lesson and a set of 15 worksheets on the National Curriculum Year 5 and 6 homophones / near homophones and confusing words list -licence, license, practice, practise, prophecy, prophesy, father, farther, guessed, guest, heard, herd, lead, led, morning, mourning, past, passed, precede, proceed, principal, principle, profit, prophet, stationary, stationery, steal, steel.

PowerPoint Lesson

The PowerPoint explains the meanings of the homophones, gives examples, and provides tips for remembering the difference between them. Opportunities are provided for pupils to decide which is the correct homophone.

Set of 15 Worksheets

Tasks include choosing the correct homophones in sentences, correcting homophones in sentences and composing sentences containing the homophones. There are also five spelling practise worksheets. They are ideal for homework.

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