January - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas



This is a fully editable, simple text 65 slide PowerPoint presentation on the month of January. Never be stuck for an assembly in January again and improve your pupils’ general knowledge. It is ideal if you have a last minute assembly to do or unexpected tutor group time.
The PowerPoint Includes ref

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Age range

Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This is a fully editable, simple text 65 slide PowerPoint presentation on the month of January. Never be stuck for an assembly in January again and improve your pupils’ general knowledge. It is ideal if you have a last minute assembly to do or unexpected tutor group time.

The PowerPoint Includes references to:

How January got its name, things associated with December – flowers, Zodiac signs, quotes.

Special Days – World Religion Day, Twelfth Night, The Epiphany, Saint Dwynwen’s Day, Burn’s Night, Saint Paul’s Day, Australia Day, Holocaust Memorial Day, RNLI fundraising day

Notable Birthdays – J.R.R. Tolkien, Louis Braille, Jacob Grimm, Joan of Arc, Elvis Presley, David Bowie, Steven Hawking, Kate Middleton, Frank Sinatra, Rod Stewart, George Foreman, Jan van Goyen, Martin Luther King, Muhammed Ali, Alan Alexander Milne, James Watt, Paul Cezanne, Lord Byron, Edouard Manet, Hadrian, Virginia Woolf, Robert Burns, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Lewis Carroll, Oprah Winfrey, Justin Timberlake

Notable Events and Happenings – Maria Montessori opened first school, George Gershwin completed Rhapsody in Blue, Bobby Fischer won first Chess Championship at the age of 14, the League of Nations founded, world’s first underground railway began, Mount Etna erupted, first televised weather broadcast, insulin first used to treat diabetes, Amelia Earhart first woman to fly solo from Hawaii to California, Elizabeth I crowned queen of England, became law to wear seat belts, Robert Scott reached South Pole, Indira Gandhi elected Prime Minister of India, John F Kennedy became 35th President of US, Edward III became King of England, London’s Pall Mall first street in world to be lit by gas lights, Queen Victoria introduced Victoria Cross, Mohandas Gandhi assassinated

A more detailed presentation on January, more suitable for older pupils, is also available:

January Presentation

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