March, April, May Assemblies - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

March, April, May Assemblies


This bundle contains three informative and fully editable 65+ slide PowerPoint presentations for the months of March, April and May.

Never be stuck for an assembly in March, April or May again! These presentations are ideal if you have a last-minute assembly to take or unexpected tutor group time!

1 × May

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Resource type


Age range

Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This bundle contains three informative and fully editable 65+ slide PowerPoint presentations for the months of March, April and May.

Never be stuck for an assembly in March, April or May again! These presentations are ideal if you have a last-minute assembly to take or unexpected tutor group time!

The PowerPoints focus on:

How the months got their names
Zodiac signs, flowers, birthstones
Folklore and Sayings
Special days, feast days, campaign days
Notable birthdays in each month
Inventions, discoveries and launches
Notable events and happenings

The PowerPoints also contain hyperlinks to areas of interest. For more information click on the individual links.

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This resource contains a variety of PowerPoint presentations suitable for assemblies throughout the year. Never be short of an assembly again!

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