Measures: AQA Entry Level 1 Workbooks - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Measures: AQA Entry Level 1 Workbooks


This resource has been designed for students working towards the AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths at Entry Level 1. It contains three age-appropriate workbooks with revision notes, progress checks, certificate of achievements and answers on Component 6 – Measures
Weight Entry 1 Workbook
This i

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Resource type

Unit of work

Age range

Age 14-16

SKU: 12326348 Categories: , , ,


This resource has been designed for students working towards the AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths at Entry Level 1. It contains three age-appropriate workbooks with revision notes, progress checks, certificate of achievements and answers on Component 6 – Measures

Weight Entry 1 Workbook

This is a 20 page workbook containing tasks and activities to enable students to achieve the following outcomes:

Describing the weight of objects using the key words – heavy, heavier, heaviest, light, lighter, lightest
Comparing the weight of objects
Applying knowledge of weight to solve simple problems

Height and Length Entry 1 Workbook

This is a 22 page workbook. Tasks and activities include:

Comparing lengths and heights
Using the words long, longer, longest, short, shorter, shortest, tall, taller, tallest to describe length and height
Calculating the length of a line drawn on a centimetre grid
Length and height related reasoning and problem solving

Volume Entry 1 Workbook

This contains a 13 page workbook. Tasks and activities include:

1.1 Comparing the volume of containers
1.1 Comparing the capacity of containers
1.2 Describing volume using the key words empty, half full, full
1.2 Applying knowledge of volume and capacity to solve simple problems

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AQA Entry Level 1 Maths 10 Workbooks Bundle

The bundle contains 10 age-appropriate workbooks / worksheets with answers, progress checks and certificates of achievement. In total there are 240 worksheets that cover the entire specification and all the components :

Component 1: Properties of Numbers (20 pages)
Component 2: Addition and Subtraction (36 pages)
Component 3 Ratio (25 pages)
Component 4: Money (35 pages)
Component 5: Time (22 pages)
Component 6: Measures: Length and Height (22 pages)
Component 6: Measures: Weight (20 pages)
Component 6: Measures: Volume (15 pages)
Component 7: Geometry (25 pages)
Component 8: Statistics (20 pages)

AQA Entry Level 2 Maths 10 Workbooks Bundle

This bundle contains 10 age-appropriate workbooks / worksheets with answers, revision notes, progress checks and certificates of achievement. In total there are 237 worksheets:

Component 1: Properties of Numbers (20 pages)
Component 2: Addition ( 20 pages)
Component 2: Subtraction ( 20 pages)
Component 2: Multiplication (28 pages)
Component 3 Ratio (25 pages)
Component 4: Money (35 pages)
Component 5: Time (22 pages)
Component 6: Measure (22 pages)
Component 7: Geometry (25 pages)
Component 8 Statistics (20 pages)

AQA Entry Level 3 Maths 10 Workbooks Bundle

Component 1: Properties of Numbers (42 pages)
Component 2: Addition (14 pages)
Component 2: Subtraction ( 15 pages)
Component 2: Multiplication ( 21 pages)
Component 2: Division (25 pages)
Component 3 Ratio (30 pages)
Component 4: Money (32 pages)
Component 5: Time (32 pages)
Component 6: Measure (29 pages)
Component 7: Geometry (31 pages)
Component 8 Statistics (18 pages)

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