November Assembly - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

November Assembly


This resource contains a fully editable, 107 slide PowerPoint presentation on the month of November. It could be used for a one-off assembly, series of assemblies or for lessons/tutor activities. Never be stuck for an assembly in November again and improve your pupils’ general knowledge. It is idea

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Age range

Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This resource contains a fully editable, 107 slide PowerPoint presentation on the month of November. It could be used for a one-off assembly, series of assemblies or for lessons/tutor activities. Never be stuck for an assembly in November again and improve your pupils’ general knowledge. It is ideal if you have a last minute assembly or unexpected tutor group time.

The PowerPointfocuses on:

How November got its name, things associated with November

Special Days – Advent, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Lord Mayors Show, Anti-Bullying Week, Road Safety Week, US Presidential Elections, All Saints and All Souls’ Day, Bonfire Night, Armistice Day, Saint Cecilia’s Day, Saint Andrew’s Day

Notable Birthdays – Marie Antoinette, Charles Bronson, Earl of Sandwich, Adolphe Sax, Abraham Lincoln, Tiberius, Billy Graham, Marie Curie, Edmond Halley, Edward VII, Martin Luther, Leonardo DiCaprio, Nadia Comaneci, Anders Celsius, Robert Louis Stevenson, Prince Charles, Claude Monet, Danny DeVito, Indira Gandhi, Robert F. Kennedy, Voltaire, Charles de Gaulle, Billie Jean King, Boris Becker, Miley Cyrus, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Tina Turner, Bruce Lee, Jimi Hendrix, William Blake, C S Lewis, Jonathan Swift, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain

Inventions, Discoveries, Launches – first regular TV service launched by BBC, tomb of Tutankhamen discovered, Monopoly Game went on sale, London Gazette first published, x-ray discovered, Windows 1 launched, computer mouse patented, Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 released, British pillar boxes introduced, first episode of Dr Who

Notable Events and Happenings – The Gunpowder Plot, ceiling of the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo opened to the public, Nelson’s statue in Trafalgar Square completed, Henry VI crowned, Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy US Presidents, Einstein awarded Nobel Physics Prize, Berlin Wall opened, Henry Morton Stanley found David Livingstone, Sound of Music Broadway musical opened, first Harry Potter film, Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor of California, Queen Elizabeth I became Queen, Duke of Wellington’s funeral, William Tell saved son’s life, Alfred Lord Tennyson became Poet Laureate, Pele scored 1000th goal, Mayflower arrived in America, Queen Elizabeth married Prince Philip, Lyndon B. Johnson President of USA, Toy Story premiered, Darwin published The Origin of Species, Lady Astor first female MP, Crystal Palace burned down

The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to Winston Churchill’s finest hour speech, William Blake’s ‘And Did Those Feet in Ancient time’ and Nadia Comaneci’s perfect 10.

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