Parenthesis - Brackets, Commas, Dashes - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Parenthesis – Brackets, Commas, Dashes


This resource contains a 55-slide PowerPoint lesson and a 12-page workbook on parenthesis and parentheses – the punctuation devices used to mark parenthesis.
PowerPoint Lesson
The PowerPoint clearly and visually explains what parenthesis is, why it is used and the different forms of punctuation use

Additional information

Resource type


Age range

Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This resource contains a 55-slide PowerPoint lesson and a 12-page workbook on parenthesis and parentheses – the punctuation devices used to mark parenthesis.

PowerPoint Lesson

The PowerPoint clearly and visually explains what parenthesis is, why it is used and the different forms of punctuation used to mark it. Many opportunities are provided within the PowerPoint for pupils to identify parenthesis and to extend sentences to make then more interesting by adding parenthesis – brackets, commas and dashes.

The PowerPoint also contains a link to a short video on parenthesis.

Parenthesis Workbook

This twelve page workbook includes three revision sheets and seven worksheets on parenthesis and the punctuation devices used to mark parenthesis – brackets, commas and dashes.

The workbook clearly explains what parenthesis is and the different forms of punctuation used to mark it. The worksheets contain tasks for pupils to:

identify parenthesis in sentences
punctuate sentences containing parenthesis
compose sentences containing parenthesis

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