Passover - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas



This resource contains resources on three different aspects of the Jewish festival of Passover.

1. The Ten Plagues – this resource is about the plagues that befell the Egyptians, an integral part of the story behind the Jewish feast of Passover / Pesach (Hebrew) in Judaism. It contains images of th

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Resource type

Unit of work

Age range

Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This resource contains resources on three different aspects of the Jewish festival of Passover.

1. The Ten Plagues – this resource is about the plagues that befell the Egyptians, an integral part of the story behind the Jewish feast of Passover / Pesach (Hebrew) in Judaism. It contains images of the plagues, a template for cutting and pasting images and an illustrated template to write on captions of the plagues.

2. The Passover Seder Meal – this resource is about the foods used at the Passover Seder meal and their symbolic significance in Judaism. It contains information sheets on the different foods and their symbolic meanings, activity sheets involving filling a Seder plate with the food. The worksheets are differentiated. One worksheet involves cutting and pasting the foods onto the plate. The second worksheet involves labelling the Seder plate and providing a description of the foods and their significance.

3. The Biblical Passover Story – this resource focuses on the Passover story – the Israelites in captivity, the plagues, Moses, the Exodus- in picture format with brief text captions, images that can be cut and pasted onto templates a writing template for the story and a template for drawing / pasting pictures about the Exodus.

You may also be interested in:

Passover Presentation

This is a fully editable and informative 70 slide presentation on the Jewish Festival of Passover.

A simple text version for younger and SEN pupils of the Passover PowerPoint is also available:

Simple Text Passover Presentation

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