Passover: The Seder Meal - Texts and Worksheets - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Passover: The Seder Meal – Texts and Worksheets


This resource is about the Jewish Festival of Passover / Pesach and the Seder meal and its symbolic significance in Judaism. The resource contains:

1. Five texts about the Seder meal, the different foods and their symbolic meanings, and the rituals that take place during the meal.

2. Five compre

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Resource type

Unit of work

Age range

Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This resource is about the Jewish Festival of Passover / Pesach and the Seder meal and its symbolic significance in Judaism. The resource contains:

1. Five texts about the Seder meal, the different foods and their symbolic meanings, and the rituals that take place during the meal.

2. Five comprehension worksheets about the texts.

3. Answers to the questions.

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Passover Presentation

This is an informative and fully editable 70 slide presentation about the Passover. It focuses on:

Why Passover is celebrated and how it got its name – the ten plagues, the exodus of the Israelites from Egyptian captivity across the Red Sea led by Moses.

The Seder meal – the Seder plate and the symbolic significance of all the foods on the plate, other foods at the meal, including matzah, the four cups/glasses of wine and the extra wine goblet for the prophet Elijah.

The rituals followed at the Seder meal – breaking the matzah, reading from the Haggadah, the Seder cushion, the tradition of the youngest child asking four questions, the spilling of drops of wine onto the plate.

The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to a short 4 minute animated version of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and a 4-minute rap of the Seder meal.

This resource will help to contribute to the pupils’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural’ learning (SMSC) and will help to actively promote the British Values of mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

A slightly shorter (60 slides), simple text version, for younger and SEN pupils, of the Passover PowerPoint is also available:

Simple Text Passover Presentation

Passover Story – Texts and Templates

The Ten Plagues

The Seder Plate

Save money and buy Passover resources in a bundle at a discounted rate:

Passover Bundle

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