Refugee Week - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Refugee Week


This resource contains an 110-slide PowerPoint presentation and an asylum seeker/refugee simulation activity pack. It is an ideal resource for Refugee Week in June and Refugee Day (20th June).

PowerPoint Presentation

This is a fully editable and informative PowerPoint presentation on Refugee We

Additional information

Resource type

Unit of work

Age range

Age 14-16, Age 9-13


This resource contains an 110-slide PowerPoint presentation and an asylum seeker/refugee simulation activity pack. It is an ideal resource for Refugee Week in June and Refugee Day (20th June).

PowerPoint Presentation

This is a fully editable and informative PowerPoint presentation on Refugee Week / Refugee Day, with particular emphasis on the Syrian War and refugees. The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to a video that explains about the Syrian War and Refugee crisis and a video about a teenage refugee from Eritrea.

Asylum Seeker/Refugee Simulation Activity Pack and Worksheets

This activity pack contains an editable lesson plan. The simulation activity is in the form of a PowerPoint and there are follow-up activities that include questions for discussion and three evaluation and review worksheets.

The simulation activity contains 8 scenarios. Pupils are divided into groups and are required to make decisions/take actions. Some of the scenarios are accompanied by a timer with dramatic music playing to simulate the confusion in which refugees have to make quick decisions. Sample scenarios include:

Scenario 1 – War has broken out. Members of the group have to leave home. They are required to choose 6 items to take with them.

Scenario 2 – A pick-up truck arrives to take the group to a boat on the coast. The driver speeds away as fast as he can. He hits a speed bump and one of the group’s bag falls off the back of the truck.

Scenario 4 – The truck continues its journey towards the coast. The truck runs out of fuel and the group members have to walk. To make the journey easier everyone has to take the heaviest item out of their bag to make it lighter.

Scenario 6 – The group reach the coast. There is a small boat waiting. However, the boat can only take four people.

Scenario 7 – The man with the boat wants paying. The group must give any money they have to him. If they have no money they have to give him their most valuable item.

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