September - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas



This resource contains a fully editable, simple text, 75 slide PowerPoint presentation on the month of September. Never be stuck for an assembly in September again! It is ideal if you have a last minute assembly or unexpected tutor group time. It could be used for a one-off assembly, series of asse

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Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This resource contains a fully editable, simple text, 75 slide PowerPoint presentation on the month of September. Never be stuck for an assembly in September again! It is ideal if you have a last minute assembly or unexpected tutor group time. It could be used for a one-off assembly, series of assemblies or for lessons/tutor activities.

The PowerPoint focuses on:

How September got its name, things associated with August – flowers, Zodiac signs,

Special Days – Rush-Bearing Festival, Blackpool Illuminations, Last Night of the Proms, World
Gurning Championship, Heritage Open Days, Harvest Festivals, Great River Race in London, Rosh Hashanah, Horn Dance, autumn equinox, European Day of Languages, Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, Michaelmas Day.

Notable Birthdays – Freddy Mercury, Mother Teresa, Queen Elizabeth 1st, Richard the Lionheart, Hugh Grant, Michael Buble, D. H. Lawrence, Roald Dahl, Michael Johnson, Agatha Christie, Prince Harry, Henry V, H.G. Wells, Stephen King, Anne of Cleves, Michael Faraday, Augustus Caesar, Christopher Reeve, Will Smith, George Gershwin, Serena Williams, Horatio Nelson, Confucius, Pompey the Great, Miguel de Cervantes, William Wrigley Jr.

Inventions, Discoveries, Launches – Google founded, Nintendo Gamecube, Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, Tolkien’s The Hobbit published, Neptune discovered, Honda Motor Co founded, George Cross instituted, GMT began, world’s first public railway to use steam locomotives began, Marks & Spencer founded.

Notable Events and Happenings – The Great Fire of London, first Marathon run, V-J Day, Declaration of World War 2 on Germany, Mark Spitz’s seventh swimming Olympic Gold Medal, Ali won Olympic gold medal, Ferdinand Magellan’s ship Victoria completed world circumnavigation, Pilgrims’ set sail, Grace Darling’s rescue, Mount Ampato mummy discovered, bombing of twin towers, Great Fire of Moscow, George Handel finished Messiah, Battle of Britain, Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated globe, first singing of National Anthem.

The resource also contains hyperlinks to Mark Spitz’s 7th gold medal swim, Last Night of the Proms, Sowerby Bridge Rushbearing Festival, Horn Dance, Chamberlain’s Declaration of War speech, Michael Johnson’s gold medal sprints, Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus and Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue.

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