Sort Objects - Year 1 - White Rose Maths - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Sort Objects – Year 1 – White Rose Maths


This is a fully editable, 37-slide PowerPoint lesson to support the delivery of the White Rose Maths Year 1, Autumn Term, Block 1 Small Step: Sort Objects.
The PowerPoint lesson visually demonstrates how to sort objects into different groups. Opportunities are given within the PowerPoint for pupils

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Age range

Age 3-5


This is a fully editable, 37-slide PowerPoint lesson to support the delivery of the White Rose Maths Year 1, Autumn Term, Block 1 Small Step: Sort Objects.

The PowerPoint lesson visually demonstrates how to sort objects into different groups. Opportunities are given within the PowerPoint for pupils to practise these skills and identify the different ways objects can be sorted.

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You may also be interested in:

Sort Objects – Set of 12 Worksheets

The worksheets include tasks in which pupils are required to sort objects into different groups and to identify ways objects can be sorted into different groups. Each worksheet contains a pupil self-evaluation tick box, comments box and tick box for level of support given.

Save money and buy both resources at a discounted rate:

Sort Objects – PowerPoint Lesson and Set of 12 Worksheets

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