TES Authors Resource Bundle - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

TES Authors Resource Bundle


This bundle contains three valuable resources for authors. Whether you are a potential author, an author just starting out or already an author; I am sure that these resources can help you in some way and will prove a worthwhile investment.

‘How to Become a Successful TES Author – Step-by-Step Guid

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Age 16+


This bundle contains three valuable resources for authors. Whether you are a potential author, an author just starting out or already an author; I am sure that these resources can help you in some way and will prove a worthwhile investment.

‘How to Become a Successful TES Author – Step-by-Step Guide’

I began to produce resources for TES in August 2015. When I look back at my early resources I cringe! I made so many mistakes…. Since then I have come a long way and learned so much. One of my resources made over 900 sales in the space of a few weeks and earned nearly £2000 in royalties.

In this 23-page, step-by-step guide I share my mistakes and my successes to help you avoid making the same mistakes and to become a successful author sooner than you would have done without this guide. I do not claim to have all the answers and ‘my way’ might not be other people’s way.

Author Resource – Excel Sales and Accounts Workbook

This resource will help you to keep an account of the numbers of your sales and earnings each day. It will provide valuable data that will help to inform you how to most effectively manage your business.

This excel workbook will

Keep accounts of daily / weekly / monthly and yearly sales figures and numbers of products sold

Record sales figures in graph format

Provide real-time averages of products sold and sales figures for each day of the week

Provide real-time averages of products sold and sales figures for each week of the year

Provide real-time averages of products sold and sales figures for each month of the year

Provide real-time averages of products sold and sales figures for each year

It will enable you to analyse

Which days are the best for sales

How TES sales or individual sales impact on numbers of products sold

Observe trends in sales throughout the year

Author Calendar and Planner

Nine out of ten of my top-selling resources are seasonal resources and ‘special day’ resources. My everyday resources are my ‘bread and butter’ resources; my seasonal resources are truly the icing on my cake! Keep ahead and plan your seasonal resources with this calendar and planner which contains all the major special days and awareness days for the whole year. No more missing special days or not allocating yourself enough time to produce resources. Days that change in date each year are highlighted red; days that are fixed are black. It is available in PDF and word format to allow editing.

Read the reviews:

“This is really excellent.”

“I’ve been an author here for just six months so I was pleased to get some good new tips about how to be a successful author. The Excel sales tracker is really helpful and I have started to complete it and seen some interesting trends – very helpful. Finally, the calendar is great. I’ve started working out what events are coming up and the ideas have started flowing! Thank you for your insights and help.”

Related resources

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Contact me at inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk

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