Apostrophe for Contraction / Omission - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Apostrophe for Contraction / Omission


This resource contains an editable, 50 slide PowerPoint lesson on the apostrophe for contraction / omission. It explains how to use the apostrophe in contracted words. This resource will help students to use apostrophes appropriately in their written work and to improve their punctuation skills. Th

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Age range

Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This resource contains an editable, 50 slide PowerPoint lesson on the apostrophe for contraction / omission. It explains how to use the apostrophe in contracted words. This resource will help students to use apostrophes appropriately in their written work and to improve their punctuation skills. The PowerPoint also contains a hyperlink to a short video explaining how to use the apostrophe for contraction.

You may also be interested in:

Apostrophe for Contraction 18 Page Workbook

This resource contains a 18 page workbook (18 worksheets) on the apostrophe for contraction / omission. It also includes an information sheet explaining when and how to use the apostrophe for omission / contraction. The worksheets contain a variety of tasks and will help students to master using apostrophes appropriately in their written work and to improve their punctuation skills. Answers are included.

Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate:

Apostrophe for Contraction – PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook

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