Homophones - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas



This bundle contains three PowerPoint lessons and three sets of accompanying worksheets on the commonly confused homophones: where, wear, we’re and were, there, their, they’re, two, too, to. It also includes a SATS style spelling test for the above homophones.
The PowerPoints explain the meaning of

Additional information

Resource type

Unit of work

Age range

Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This bundle contains three PowerPoint lessons and three sets of accompanying worksheets on the commonly confused homophones: where, wear, we’re and were, there, their, they’re, two, too, to. It also includes a SATS style spelling test for the above homophones.

The PowerPoints explain the meaning of the homophones and when they are used with examples. Opportunities are provided for pupils to choose the correct homophones.

There are 23 worksheets in total. Tasks include inserting the correct homophone into sentences and texts and composing sentences using the homophones in the correct context.

The SATS style spelling test / assessment includes 23 dictation sentences and answer sheet to assess pupils understanding of these confusing homophones.

For more detailed information click on the resource links.

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These resources are appropriate for Year 2 pupils and older SEN / ESL students.

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