March Assembly - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

March Assembly


This resource contains a fully editable, 80-slide PowerPoint presentation on the month of March and some follow up activities. It could be used as an assembly or series of assemblies during the month of March or for tutor based activities.
It includes:
How March got its name, things associated with

Additional information

Resource type


Age range

Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This resource contains a fully editable, 80-slide PowerPoint presentation on the month of March and some follow up activities. It could be used as an assembly or series of assemblies during the month of March or for tutor based activities.

It includes:

How March got its name, things associated with March – daffodils, Zodiac signs, birthstone, Equinox, Spring, sayings ‘as mad as a March hare’

Special Days in March – Easter, St Patrick’s Day, Saint David’s Day, Saint Piran’s Day, Saint Joseph’s Day, Women’s History Month, Simnel Sunday, Mothering Sunday / Mother’s Day, World Maths Day, the Jewish festival of Purim, International Women’s Day, World Water Day, Lady Day, Oranges and Lemons Children’s Service, World Book Day

Notable Birthdays – Will I Am, Albert Einstein, Frederic Chopin, Dr Seuss (Theodor Geisel), Alexander Graham Bell, Vivaldi, Michelangelo, Nat King Cole, Steve McQueen, Robbie Coltrane, Wilfred Owen, Fernando Torres, Johann Sebastian Bach, Ronaldinho, Alan Sugar, Harry Houdini, Vincent Van Gogh

Discoveries, Launches, Inventions – Twitter, Barbie Doll, Coca-Cola, discovery of Uranus, the first elevator, Rolls Royce, first internet domain name, English football league, telephone patented

Notable Events and Happenings

It also contains hyperlinks to:

Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Spring (La Primavera)
Bach’s ‘Air on G String’
St Clement’s bells ringing ‘Orange and Lemons’
Chopin’s Etude Op.25 No.11 ‘Winter Wind’
The Beatles ‘Please, Please Me’
Hares ‘boxing’

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A simple text version of this presentation, more appropriate for younger / SEN pupils, is also available:

Simple Text March Presentation

More Months of the Year Presentations

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