May - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas



This resource contains a fully editable and informative 95-slide PowerPoint presentation on the month of May and follow-up activities. The follow-up activities include a reflective task and worksheet, a further research task and a question and answer quiz preparation task. Never be stuck for an asse

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Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This resource contains a fully editable and informative 95-slide PowerPoint presentation on the month of May and follow-up activities. The follow-up activities include a reflective task and worksheet, a further research task and a question and answer quiz preparation task. Never be stuck for an assembly in May again! It is ideal if you have a last-minute assembly, unexpected tutor group time or for covering classes.

It includes a wealth of information and focuses on:

How May got its name, things associated with May – flowers hawthorn and Lily of the Valley, Zodiac signs, birthstone, May quotes by Virgil, Edwin Way Teale, Charles Macklin.

May sayings and folklore – ne’er cast a clout till May is out, washing face in Hawthorn dew on May 1st leading to life- long beauty, marry in May and you’ll rue the day.

Special Days in May – May Day, Feast of Saint Joseph, Ascension Day, National Smile Month, Pentecost (Whit Sunday), Buddha Day (Wesak), Eurovision Song Contest, ‘VE’ Day, Oak Apple Day.

Notable Birthdays – Tony Blair, Catherine the Great, Bing Crosby, David Beckham, Golda Meir, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, George Clooney, Robert Browning, Johannes Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Eva Peron, Irving Berlin, Salvadore Dali, Florence Nightingale, Edward Lear, Stevie Wonder, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder), Gabriel Fahrenheit, Pierce Brosnan, Sugar Ray Leonard, Omar Khayyam, Pope John Paul II, Pete Townshend, Richard Wagner, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Laurence Olivier, Bob Dylan, Ian Flemming, John F. Kennedy, Steven Gerrard and Clint Eastwood.

Notable Events and Happenings – Empire State Building opened, Tony Blair became Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher became first woman prime minister, Amy Johnson’s flight to Australia, Eiffel Tower opened, the Channel Tunnel opened, Roger Bannister broke the sub 4 minute mile, Nelson Mandela became South Africa’s first black president, Sir Winston Churchill became Prime Minister, Bob Marley died, first Formula One Grand Prix, first McDonald’s opened, Napoleon Bonaparte made Emperor of France, Anne Boleyn beheaded, unexplained darkness on Eastern Canada and parts of USA, Amelia Earhart flew across Atlantic, Charles Lindbergh’s flight from Paris to New York, the strongest earthquake ever recorded in Chile, first electric telegram sent by Samuel Morse, Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing reached summit of Everest, Joan of Arc burned at stake, Coca-Cola went on sale, Cornflakes patented, first McDonalds opened.

The resource also contains hyperlinks to Irving Berlin’s ‘Alexander’s Rag Time Band’ music and dance, Brahms Lullaby, Tchaikovsky’s Sugar Plum Fairy, Roger Bannister’s sub 4-minute mile race and Sir Winston Churchill’s broadcast announcing the end of World War II.

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