Nouns - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas



This resource contains a 100-slide PowerPoint lesson on nouns and a 24-page workbook on nouns.

Nouns PowerPoint Lesson

This is an editable, 100-slide PowerPoint lesson on nouns – common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, compound nouns and collective nouns. All the different types of nouns are

Additional information

Resource type

Unit of work

Age range

Age 3-5, Age 6-8


This resource contains a 100-slide PowerPoint lesson on nouns and a 24-page workbook on nouns.

Nouns PowerPoint Lesson

This is an editable, 100-slide PowerPoint lesson on nouns – common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, compound nouns and collective nouns. All the different types of nouns are explained and examples are given.

The PowerPoint contains three activities to reinforce and consolidate the pupils’ understanding of nouns.

A sorting activity that requires sorting different types of nouns into the appropriate category.

A timed noun challenge where pupils have to think of nouns in all categories beginning with a certain letter. A worksheet is provided for this on the PowerPoint.

An activity where pupils are asked to identify all the nouns in the poem ‘Daffodils’ by William Wordsworth. A worksheet is also provided for this.

This resource could be used to introduce nouns or to revise them. It could be used as a one-off lesson or a series of lessons. It would be particularly useful for SATS revision. It is suitable for primary-aged pupils and for older SEN students who will benefit from the visual nature of the PowerPoint.

Nouns Worksheets

This resource contains a 24-page workbook on nouns. There are two information sheets and 22 worksheets. Tasks include:

placing the correct noun by the image

identifying nouns in sentences

identifying different sorts of nouns in texts on the Wizard of Oz and Harry Potter

identifying the kinds of nouns in poems – Little Jack Horner, The Owl and the Pussy Cat, Daffodils

sorting nouns into common, proper, abstract, compound and collective types

creating a collective noun for coat hangers, mobile phones, iPads, etc

using nouns in sentences

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