Thanksgiving Day - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Thanksgiving Day


This resource contains a fully editable and informative 45 slide PowerPoint presentation on Thanksgiving Day which takes place in the USA on the third Thursday in November.

The PowerPoint includes sections on:

The History of Thanksgiving Day – The Pilgrim Fathers

The Thanksgiving Meal

Macy’s P

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Resource type


Age range

Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This resource contains a fully editable and informative 45 slide PowerPoint presentation on Thanksgiving Day which takes place in the USA on the third Thursday in November.

The PowerPoint includes sections on:

The History of Thanksgiving Day – The Pilgrim Fathers

The Thanksgiving Meal

Macy’s Parade in New York

The tradition of turkey pardoning by the President of the USA

The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to the Thanksgiving Parade in New York, President Obama’s final ‘turkey pardoning’ and a short video on the history of Thanksgiving Day.

A slightly shorter, simple text version of this presentation is also available. It is more appropriate for younger / SEN pupils. Click on the link below for details:

Thanksgiving Day Simple Text Presentation

You may also be interested in an accompanying PowerPoint Quiz:

Thanksgiving Day PowerPoint Quiz

The quiz is a fun way to check pupils’ understanding of why and how Thanksgiving Day is celebrated. Sample questions include:

On what day is Thanksgiving Day in the United States of America?

Which King in England tried to make everyone follow the Church of England religion?

What was the name of the ship on which the Pilgrim Fathers sailed to America?

Which President proclaimed the first national Thanksgiving Day?

In what year was Thanksgiving Day made a national holiday for the whole of the United States?

Which department store organised the first Thanksgiving Day parade?

Save money and buy both resources at a discounted rate:

Thanksgiving Day Presentation and PowerPoint Quiz

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