VE Day - Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

VE Day


This resource contains a variety of VE Day (Victory in Europe Day) themed resources. It includes:
a 70 slide presentation
a puzzle pack
an activity pack
a set of 8 texts and comprehensions
VE Day Presentation
This is an informative and fully editable 70-slide PowerPoint presentation on VE Day. The p

1 × VE Day
1 × VE Day
1 × VE Day
1 × VE Day

Additional information

Resource type


Age range

Age 6-8, Age 9-13


This resource contains a variety of VE Day (Victory in Europe Day) themed resources. It includes:

a 70 slide presentation
a puzzle pack
an activity pack
a set of 8 texts and comprehensions

VE Day Presentation

This is an informative and fully editable 70-slide PowerPoint presentation on VE Day. The presentation focuses on:

A brief outline of World War II
The surrender by Germany
The celebrations that took place in the UK and around the world
Annual VE celebrations
The 75th anniversary of VE Day celebrations

The presentation also includes hyperlinks to:

Sir Winston Churchill’s VE Day radio broadcast
King George VI radio broadcast
President Truman’s radio broadcast
The Last Post and Reveille
Scenes of celebration in London and around the word on VE Day
To Scotland’s 51st Highland Division pipers’ playing ‘The Battle is O’er’ in Bremerhaven

The presentation ends with some reflective questions.

VE Day – Set of 8 Texts and Comprehensions

This resource includes a set of 8 texts and comprehensions on VE Day. The content of the texts is the same as that in the presentation:

A brief outline of World War II
The surrender by Germany
The celebrations that took place in the UK and around the world
Annual VE celebrations
The 75th anniversary of VE Day celebrations

VE Day – Activity Pack – English and Drama

This resource contains a pack of suggested activities for english and drama on VE Day.

It includes:

links to VE Day celebrations
annotated photographs of VE Day
descriptive writing templates of VE Day
drama template for VE Day

VE Day Puzzle Pack

This resource contains 9 differentiated puzzles with answers:

3 word searches
3 anagram puzzles
3 crosswords

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